Tips & Guides

What’s All The Hype About Daily Yoga? Does It Really Help Prevent Lifestyle Diseases?

By Aayu Experts | Dec 20, 2022

You might wonder why we even need yoga asanas. Any other form of fitness should work just as well. The thing is, yoga is a way of life. A holistic form of healing that aligns mind, body and breath. With practice, it helps you live a disease-free life where your mental and emotional well-being is also taken care of. It is perhaps the best known way to combat the excesses that lead to the manifestation of chronic lifestyle diseases.

Just think of the ways in which our lives are different from that of our parents or grandparents. Their work timings, food, sleep, rest, movement, entertainment, and information consumption - we have next to nothing in common. While the rapid pace of advancement in the world in all of these spheres is labelled as progress, it has also come with its own drawbacks. And the biggest one amongst those is the sky rocketing rise of chronic lifestyle diseases. That’s why now more than ever we need holistic lifestyle disease prevention methods.

Scientific yoga research proves lifestyle diseases are largely psychosomatic - emanating from the mind. Yoga also believes that we are all born in a state of health and balance, whatever that might be for our unique bodies. Stress and other external factors trigger a state of mental imbalance which has a cascading effect on physiological imbalance.

There are four components to lifestyle: diet, lack of physical activity, unhealthy habits—eating hab­its, sleeping habits, thinking habits, drinking habits—and mental emotional stress. These create imbalances and that is the root cause of all chronic lifestyle diseases.

Chronic stress influences your body processes such as heart function or metabolic function in a way where they don’t get an opportunity to be restored to their normal state. Over a prolonged period of time these imbalanced functions manifest in the form of chronic diseases such as:

These include:

  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Asthma
  • Osteoporosis

Yoga science has enough evidence to prove that the body has an amazing capability to heal itself. What we certainly need to do is facilitate this process of healing and support our body as it heals with the help of daily yoga for lifestyle diseases. We can’t get distracted—for example, whenever we are stressed, there are certain hormones like cortisol that get elevated and these subsequently affect the process of healing. Immune modulators also known as cytokines are actually protective in nature but when their levels excessively spike, they affect the process of healing to the point where it could make a whole disease progress in the wrong direction. Yoga therapy with its combination of postures, relaxation, breathing and meditation techniques can actually help in a way where healing processes can be supported and accelerated.

Aayu’s regenerative yoga practice is based on 4 decades of rigorous scientific research. Our structured disease-specific programs accelerate and support healing for Hypertension, PCOS, Anxiety, Diabetes and many such chronic diseases. Treating not just their symptoms but their root cause. The mind component.
Take for instance, heart disease. Stress causes our bodies to prepare for fight or flight response. More glucose gets pumped into our system. Breathing quickens, heart beats faster, blood pressure rises increasing the load on the heart. Continued stress means continued heart load.
Aayu’s yoga program restores the deep connection between our breath, heart rate and mental state. Helping restore normal heart function.

Similarly, there are programs that take care of the mind and body component of several chronic diseases. There are also daily yoga asanas for lifestyle disease prevention that can have life-altering benefits. Commit to a daily yoga practice with Aayu and you will see the difference.

Here are a few yoga asanas you can do daily to begin with:

Try these and notice the difference in your awareness and attitude towards health and general well-being.

By Aayu Experts | Dec 20, 2022

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